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Protection of Personal Data in Uncertain Times

Online Debate (Zoom) – 7 OCtober 2021 – 16:00 – 17:30 CET

2020 and 2021 have brought new issues to debate on privacy and data protection such as access to data to mitigate the pandemic, global data transfers (Schrems II case) and the burning discussion on how to combine AI-based innovation with respect for data protection rules.

The debate will address the following questions, among others:

  • What are the key take-aways from the experience of privacy in a pandemic?
  • What is the current state of data protection in the EU?
  • What is on top of the data protection agenda?
  • What are the main challenges to GDPR enforcement in the EEA Member States and which novelties can be expected from the upcoming e-Privacy Regulation?
  • How to reconcile AI-based innovation with the adoption of data protection rules? What are the necessary trade-offs?
  • What is the future of global data flows and what is at stake?
  • What developments in data protection can be expected in the near future?

The debate will be opened by:

Wojciech Wiewiórowski, European Data Protection Supervisor, Brussels
Alessandro Mantelero, Associate Professor of Law, Polytechnic University of Turin; Scientific Expert on AI, Council of Europe-CAHAI, Strasbourg
Estelle Massé, Senior Policy Analyst and Global Data Protection Lead, Access Now, Brussels
Organiser: Magdalena Kędzior, Course Director and Senior Lawyer - Public Law, ERA

#TheFutureIsYours #ERAFutureofEurope

Supported by the European Union